Dr. Ramshaw’s mission is to shift the mindset in healthcare by reimagining patient care through applied Systems Science.
His upcoming book:
“Finding the W(H)ole in Healthcare”
Our world is constantly seeking simplistic (reductionist) solutions for complex problems. It rarely works. Our healthcare system is one example of the many flaws in attempting to apply simplistic solutions to complex problems. This book is about the scientific reason why our global healthcare system is not sustainable and the scientific solution that, when applied, will lead to the transformation of healthcare to a sustainable system where costs go down as outcomes are improved.
Healthcare data consulting for the real world.
CQInsights is a healthcare data consulting firm created to apply Systems and Data Science principles to asses the value of any drug, device, or diagnostic tool in the context of a patient care process using real world data. This method is aligned with the principles of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) often using non-linear analytical tools. CQInsights can help design CQI projects with an industry partner working with one or more clinical teams, as well as help with the changing FDA regulatory landscape brought on by the 21st Century Cures Law. Understanding how to measure and improve value in real patient care can help clinical teams improve patient outcomes, help hospitals improve their profit margin, and help industry to understand where their products provide the most value and where they might contribute to complications.
What People Are Saying
“It is by the kind of thoughtful hard work and planning demonstrated by Bruce and his colleagues—and by his patient and family partners—that the quality of life is being enhanced and that lives are being saved today. Let’s rank them and similar groups among the greatest medical advances of the year!”
“BEST ADDITION TO THE SURGERY DEPARTMENT! Seriously, an amazing human being that we are lucky to work with and learn from. After doing a primary inguinal hernia repair with him it felt like everything “clicked” about that procedure for the first time. I only wish I had more time to learn from him.”
Public Talks
Finding the Hole in Healthcare at TEDx Tampa Bay Change
Technically Speaking: Complex Systems Science Applied to Health Care at Technological Leadership Institute