About Bruce
After becoming a world-renowned expert on hernia repair, inventor, professor, and chief of general surgery, Dr. Ramshaw was shocked to discover just how unsustainable and broken healthcare had become. Driven by a desire to improve his division, he discovered an overwhelming set of deep structural problems. Instead of becoming jaded, he looked to the principles of Systems Science rooted in theoretical physics for solutions. Through bold innovation and the use of small teams, Dr. Ramshaw has pioneered a new approach that delivers better outcomes for patients, with a larger mission in mind: to share sustainable solutions that improve healthcare for everyone.

Scholarly Activities
Over 400 invited oral presentations including a TEDx talk at TEDx TampaBayChange
Over 100 peer-reviewed and textbook chapter publications
Editor of 2 textbooks
Editorial board member and/or peer-reviewer for nearly a dozen journals/publications
Mentor to 100s of medical students, residents, fellows, research residents, PhD candidates and colleagues around the country
Mentor and advisor to over a dozen start-up and growth stage medical devices and data analytics companies
Owner of four patents (with two more patents pending)